• Marcel Duchamp: Money Is No Object The Art of Defying the Art Market

    • Naumann, Francis M.    04/01/03

    * This essay was originally intended to serve as the second half of an article dealing with the general topic of Duchamp and money. The first part—which deals with the subject of how Duchamp used money in both his art and life—appeared in the April 2003 issue of Art in America. In the nearly thirty-five years that have passed since Duchamp’s

  • Marcel Duchamp: Money Is No Object The Art of Defying the Art Market []

    • Naumann, Francis M.    04/01/03

    * This essay was originally intended to serve as the second half of an article dealing with the general topic of Duchamp and money. The first part—which deals with the subject of how Duchamp used money in both his art and life—appeared in the April 2003 issue of Art in America. In the nearly thirty-five years that have passed since Duchamp’s

  • Recording of Marcel Duchamp’s Armory Show Lecture, 1963

    • Miller, Richard N. (Transcription by Stapleton, Taylor M.)    04/01/03

    [The following is the transcript of the talk Marcel Duchamp (Fig. 1A, 1B)gave on February 17th, 1963, on the occasion of the opening ceremonies of the 50th anniversary retrospective of the 1913 Armory Show (Munson-Williams-Procter Institute, Utica, NY, February 17th – March 31st; Armory of the 69th Regiment, NY, April 6th – 28th) Mr. Richard N

  • Recording of Marcel Duchamp's Armory Show Lecture, 1963 []

    • Miller, Richard N. (Transcription by Stapleton, Taylor M.)    04/01/03

    [The following is the transcript of the talk Marcel Duchamp (Fig. 1A, 1B)gave on February 17th, 1963, on the occasion of the opening ceremonies of the 50th anniversary retrospective of the 1913 Armory Show (Munson-Williams-Procter Institute, Utica, NY, February 17th – March 31st; Armory of the 69th Regiment, NY, April 6th – 28th) Mr. Richard N

  • “A very normal guy”: An Interview with Robert Barnes on Marcel Duchamp and Étant Donnés

    • Girst, Thomas    01/01/02

    click to enlarge Robert Barnes in the 1950's and 1960's (from left to right) The American painter Robert Barnes, recently elected member of the American Academy of Design, is a very private person and doesn't care much for publicity. It was only after many phone calls and letters that he finally agreed to a lengthy interview in his studio in Bloo

  • "A very normal guy": An Interview with Robert Barnes on Marcel Duchamp and Étant Donnés []

    • Girst, Thomas    01/01/02

    click to enlarge Robert Barnes in the 1950's and 1960's (from left to right) The American painter Robert Barnes, recently elected member of the American Academy of Design, is a very private person and doesn't care much for publicity. It was only after many phone calls and letters that he finally agreed to a lengthy interview in his studio in Bloo

  • Duchamp and September 11

    • Gould, Stephen Jay    01/01/02

    A cliché of American culture proclaims that baseball (or any other institution of such popular and iconic stature) imitates life. Any enthusiast must avoid the danger implicit in this remark: the tendency to see a linkage between a favorite subject of one’s obsession and absolutely anything else in this enormous world of ours. Thus, even to post

  • Duchamp and September 11 []

    • Gould, Stephen Jay    01/01/02

    A cliché of American culture proclaims that baseball (or any other institution of such popular and iconic stature) imitates life. Any enthusiast must avoid the danger implicit in this remark: the tendency to see a linkage between a favorite subject of one’s obsession and absolutely anything else in this enormous world of ours. Thus, even to post

  • Marcel Duchamp and the End of Taste: A Defense of Contemporary Art

    • Danto, Arthur C. (with audio and video)    12/01/00

    Jean Clair, director of the Musée Picasso in Paris, and in recent years a fierce ritic of l'art contemporain, was a major interpreter through the 1970s of the work of Marcel Duchamp.He organized the great Duchamp retrospective in 1975 - the inaugural exhibition at the Centre Pompidou - and he wrote a catalogue raisonné of Duchamp's work. Surpris

  • Marcel Duchamp and the End of Taste: A Defense of Contemporary Art []

    • Danto, Arthur C. (with audio and video)    12/01/00

    Jean Clair, director of the Musée Picasso in Paris, and in recent years a fierce ritic of l'art contemporain, was a major interpreter through the 1970s of the work of Marcel Duchamp.He organized the great Duchamp retrospective in 1975 - the inaugural exhibition at the Centre Pompidou - and he wrote a catalogue raisonné of Duchamp's work. Surpris

  • Duchamp Festival at California State University, Hayward

    • Graham, Lanier    12/01/00

    A major exhibition of the work of MARCEL DUCHAMP "Artist of the Century" is being presented for the first time in Northern California at the center of a Duchamp Festival at California State University, Hayward. October 2001 - February 2002... For many years Picasso and Matisse were considered the most influential artists of the 20th century. That e

  • Duchamp Festival at California State University, Hayward []

    • Graham, Lanier    12/01/00

    A major exhibition of the work of MARCEL DUCHAMP "Artist of the Century" is being presented for the first time in Northern California at the center of a Duchamp Festival at California State University, Hayward. October 2001 - February 2002... For many years Picasso and Matisse were considered the most influential artists of the 20th century. That e

  • Drawing the Maxim from the Minim: The Unrecognized Source of Niceron’s Influence Upon Duchamp

    • Gould, Stephen Jay and Shearer, Rhonda Roland    12/01/00

    When a skilled trickster poses a problem that either cannot be solved for logical reasons, or cannot be answered without information purposely destroyed beyond all possibility of recovery, then we rightly brand our adversary as cruel, perverse, or (at the very least) unfair. But when a master trickster hides a solution by a simple device that deman

  • Drawing the Maxim from the Minim: The Unrecognized Source of Niceron's Influence Upon Duchamp []

    • Gould, Stephen Jay and Shearer, Rhonda Roland    12/01/00

    When a skilled trickster poses a problem that either cannot be solved for logical reasons, or cannot be answered without information purposely destroyed beyond all possibility of recovery, then we rightly brand our adversary as cruel, perverse, or (at the very least) unfair. But when a master trickster hides a solution by a simple device that deman

  • Duchamp at The Turn of the Centuries

    • Clair, Jean (Translated by Kilborne, Sarah Skinner)    12/01/00

    A dada creation of Teste, not the least chimeric, was to want to preserve art - Ars - purely by eradicating illusions about the artist and the creator" Paul Valéry (For a portrait of Monsieur Teste) A Provisional Portrait He was courteous, articulate, cultivated. At least, one would imagine so. He practiced understatement, liked humor as well a

  • Duchamp at The Turn of the Centuries []

    • Clair, Jean (Translated by Kilborne, Sarah Skinner)    12/01/00

    A dada creation of Teste, not the least chimeric, was to want to preserve art - Ars - purely by eradicating illusions about the artist and the creator" Paul Valéry (For a portrait of Monsieur Teste) A Provisional Portrait He was courteous, articulate, cultivated. At least, one would imagine so. He practiced understatement, liked humor as well a

  • Duchamp Bottles Belle Greene: Just Desserts For His Canning

    • Garner, Bonnie Jean (with text boxes by Gould, Stephen Jay)    05/01/00

    "There are many people who may have contemplated the treasures of the Morgan Library without ever meeting personally its erstwhile director, Belle da Costa Greene. But no one there could have been unaware of her taste, her intelligence, her dynamism. For it was Miss Greene who transformed a rich man's casually built collection into one that ranks w

  • Duchamp Bottles Belle Greene: Just Desserts For His Canning []

    • Garner, Bonnie Jean (with text boxes by Gould, Stephen Jay)    05/01/00

    "There are many people who may have contemplated the treasures of the Morgan Library without ever meeting personally its erstwhile director, Belle da Costa Greene. But no one there could have been unaware of her taste, her intelligence, her dynamism. For it was Miss Greene who transformed a rich man's casually built collection into one that ranks w