Gift Shop for Benefit of Tout-Fait Journal
We care and
we show it.
Tout-Fait promotes scholarship by serving scholars
• We offer free
access for everyone --no subscription necessary
• Unlike other
journals, we take all responsibility for the acquisition and permissions
of all illustrations, thus offering scholars an unparalleled freedom
from the enormous burden in both time and money when they are forced
to do illustrations and permissions themselves
• Also unduplicated
by other journals or magazines is our free service that offers help
to authors in creating special interactive interfaces or 3D animations
for their publications. These can then be used for their lectures
and other teaching materials
We need your
As a
truly non-commercial enterprise, we depend upon donations. For our
Fall 2001 fund-raising drive, would you help us to help scholars publish
in our unique digital publication?
Our co-director,
Rhonda Roland Shearer, an artist represented by the Wildenstein Gallery
since 1986 has kindly donated three limited editions of artworks for
the sole purpose of helping Tout-Fait journal!
We're sure you've noticed
that Tout-Fait is free for everyone.
Here's a way of insuring it will stay like this: help us now and receive
free gifts!
monies raised here by donations go 100% to the not-for-profit research
the Art Science Research Laboratory’s production of its publication
to enlarge
Mouse Pad
limited artist's edition
of 1,000
A parody of the famous and outrageous urinal by Marcel Duchamp
titled "Fountain." Rhonda Roland Shearer's (with Yong Duk Jhun)
creation will be sent as a gift to you when we receive your
$25 donation to
Each mouse pad is signed,
dated and numbered by
New York artist and ASRL Director Rhonda Roland Shearer
1/1000 - 1000/1000. |
to enlarge
artist's edition
of 1,000
The same
mouse pad parody design by Rhonda Roland Shearer (with Yong
Duk Jhun) is now on a t-shirt to be given to you as a gift when
Tout-Fait receives a donation of
$35 or more.
Each t-shirt is signed,
dated and numbered by
New York artist and ASRL Director Rhonda Roland Shearer
1/1000 - 1000/1000.
Receive both mousepad and t-shirt free
with any donation above $50.
to see video
Marcel Duchamp, Note on the "Wilson-Lincoln Effect" from
the Green Box, 1934
to enlarge
limited artist's edition of 50 sculptures
on a Large Glass-note by Marcel Duchamp of ca.
1915 (published in his Green Box of 1934), the
"Wilson-Lincoln-System" describes the sensitive
area of Duchamp's masterwork where the drops of the nine
bachelors attempt to "pass the 3 planes at the horizon"
(a.k.a. the Bride's Clothes) via a "Mirrorical return,"
similar to "the portraits which seen from the left
show Wilson seen from the right show Lincoln-"
Shearer's sculpture will be sent to you as a gift after
we receive your donation of $200.
Each sculpture is signed,
dated and numbered by New York artist and ASRL director
Rhonda Roland Shearer
1/50 - 50/50.
For a of $240 donation or more receive, as our gift, all
three limited editions: mouse pad, T-shirt and Wilson/Lincoln
Contact Ms. Gina Guerra today at
Regarding your Toutfait journal donations and free gifts.
Coming Soon
+ Publications
Done as a labor of love, we have a series of proposed publications
to help scholars do scholarship by providing access to high quality
and low priced digital publishing and publications, called
1st Proposed Publication
Duchamp: Étant Donnés - Manual of Instructions as interactive
digital facsimile of the book produced by the Philadelphia Museum
of Art under the supervision of
Anne d' Harnoncourt (1987) of the original manual of 1966.
Translated into English for the first time; and, also for the first
time, presented typographically in both French and English. We hope
this Cyberbook+
will be available for the low retail price of $12.95. Of course,
this price does not record the actual production costs of this beautiful
book, but reflects our extensive fundraising efforts -- and the generosity
of individuals and institutions who thus demonstrate their concern
for relieving the financial burdens placed upon scholars.
Scholars need low
cost, high quality information to do their work and to promote the
education of others.
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back cover
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