  • 1
  • A Post-card and The Clew
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2005 )
  • by robert
  • 2
  • The Trashures Project
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 3
  • Snoop-Snoop Fate
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2005 )
  • by robert
  • 4
  • Painting in Three Dimensions
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2003 )
  • by robert
  • 5
  • Lost Object-Found
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 6
  • Marcel’s Dream as told by Jacques Villon
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 7
  • Marcel Duchamp and the Transhuman
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 8
  • Rrose Selections
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2002 )
  • by robert
  • 9
  • Elena del Rivero and Marcel Duchamp: Les Amoureuses
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 10
  • The Wicked and Unfaithful Song Of Marcel Duchamp To His Queen
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 11
  • Nude Descending Again
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 12
  • Transformation and Tradition: Interview with Sanford Biggers
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 13
  • Memoirs: Art & Art History
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2000 )
  • by robert
  • 14
  • Marcel Duchamp et la littérature [ French]
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 15
  • Painting the Large Glass
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 16
  • We Deserve Scheme Z and Excavation or the Law of Diminishing Returns
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 17
  • Into the Vitrine
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 18
  • Bicycles With Elephant Memories Stolen From Our Oasis When We Were The Most Thirsty
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 19
  • L’inventeur du temps gratuit [ French]
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2000 )
  • by robert
  • 20
  • Constructing Life
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 21
  • An Impertinent Pilgrimage: A “Meditation” on the Creation of Praying for Irreverence
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 22
  • Science meets Art: This Quarter and Jacob Bronowski
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert