• Voisins du Zero:
    Hermaphroditism and Velocity

    • Mauricio Cruz    05/13/05

    In a well-known Spanish medical publication called MD, diverse articles relating to anomalies in art were often published: the elongation of El Greco´s figures was the result of a distortion produced by squint; Goya´s black paintings were due to progressive lead poisoning; Van Gogh´s flaming colors, a particular case of schizophrenia. Perhaps be

  •  []

    • Mauricio Cruz    05/13/05

  • Die Lust am Sehen Marcel Duchamps „Étant donnés“: zwischen der Skopisierungs des Begehrens und der Feminisierung des Bildraumes [German]

    • Bahtsetzis, Sotirios    04/01/05

    click to enlarge  Figure 1 Figure 2 Marcel Duchamp, Étant donnés: 1° la chute d'eau 2° le gaz d'eclairage [Given:1. The Waterfall/ 2. The illuminating Gas], 1946-66. Assemblage, verschiedene Medien, ca. 242,5 cm hoch, 177,8 cm breit, 124,5 cm tief, beinhaltet: alte hölzerne Tür, schwarzer Samt, Ziegelsteine, hölzerne Tafel, Sch

  • Die Lust am Sehen Marcel Duchamps „Étant donnés“: zwischen der Skopisierungs des Begehrens und der Feminisierung des Bildraumes []

    • Bahtsetzis, Sotirios    04/01/05

    click to enlarge  Figure 1 Figure 2 Marcel Duchamp, Étant donnés: 1° la chute d'eau 2° le gaz d'eclairage [Given:1. The Waterfall/ 2. The illuminating Gas], 1946-66. Assemblage, verschiedene Medien, ca. 242,5 cm hoch, 177,8 cm breit, 124,5 cm tief, beinhaltet: alte hölzerne Tür, schwarzer Samt, Ziegelsteine, hölzerne Tafel, Sch

  • Glasswanderers

    • 04/01/03

    1. "Be your own university”— An introduction It was last June when I decided to go for an interview in the Kunstmuseum (Museum of Art) in Vaduz in Liechtenstein. In my letter of application I mentioned the barriers between different arts as well as the resulting ‘pigeonholing’--to stress the fact that in my mind it is essential to see th

  • Glasswanderers []

    • 04/01/03

    1. "Be your own university”— An introduction It was last June when I decided to go for an interview in the Kunstmuseum (Museum of Art) in Vaduz in Liechtenstein. In my letter of application I mentioned the barriers between different arts as well as the resulting ‘pigeonholing’--to stress the fact that in my mind it is essential to see th

  • Words and Worlds:
    Dada and the Destruction of Logos, Zurich 1916

    • Scanlan, John    04/01/03

    “If you are alive, you are a Dadaist,” Richard Huelsenbeck wrote in 1920. Huelsenbeck belonged to the now well-known group of poets and performers who came together in Zurich during 1916 under the name Dada. Whilst Dadaist movements appeared in other places, and took on different manifestations, the Zurich Dadaists were concerned principally wi

  • Words and Worlds:
    Dada and the Destruction of Logos, Zurich 1916

    • Scanlan, John    04/01/03

    “If you are alive, you are a Dadaist,” Richard Huelsenbeck wrote in 1920. Huelsenbeck belonged to the now well-known group of poets and performers who came together in Zurich during 1916 under the name Dada. Whilst Dadaist movements appeared in other places, and took on different manifestations, the Zurich Dadaists were concerned principally wi

  • Complexity Art

    • Giunti, Roberto    04/01/03

     In the conclusion of my article for the fourth issue of Tout-Fait Journal (1), I identified a possible theme in the artistic events of the 1900’s. I'm referring to the gradual emergence, in art, of important ideas and conceptual themes which also belong to the grounding kernel of the complexity sciences.As a first step, my concern was (and

  • Complexity Art []

    • Giunti, Roberto    04/01/03

     In the conclusion of my article for the fourth issue of Tout-Fait Journal (1), I identified a possible theme in the artistic events of the 1900’s. I'm referring to the gradual emergence, in art, of important ideas and conceptual themes which also belong to the grounding kernel of the complexity sciences.As a first step, my concern was (and

  • Wittgenstein Plays Chess with Duchamp or How Not to Do Philosophy: Wittgenstein on Mistakes of Surface and Depth

    • Gerrard, Steven B.    04/01/03

    click to enlarge Figure1 Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) click to enlarge Figure. 2 Marcel Duchmap,Opposition and Sister Squares are Reconciled,1932 According to my Wittgenstein CD(1), there are 181 tokens of the word "chess" and its cognates (such as "chessboard") in the Blackwell published works of Wittgenstein. We begin, however, with the F

  • Wittgenstein Plays Chess with Duchamp or How Not to Do Philosophy: Wittgenstein on Mistakes of Surface and Depth []

    • Gerrard, Steven B.    04/01/03

    click to enlarge Figure1 Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) click to enlarge Figure. 2 Marcel Duchmap,Opposition and Sister Squares are Reconciled,1932 According to my Wittgenstein CD(1), there are 181 tokens of the word "chess" and its cognates (such as "chessboard") in the Blackwell published works of Wittgenstein. We begin, however, with the F

  • Intentions: Logical and Subversive The Art of Marcel Duchamp, Concept Visualization, and Immersive Experience

    • Merritt, Richard K.    04/01/03

    Abstract This paper examines the intersection of symbolic logic, immersive experience [VR] and concept visualization in the interpretation of the oeuvre of Marcel Duchamp. Influenced by the mathematicians Henri Poincaré and Élie Jouffret as well as his own intense practice of chess and logic, Duchamp sought to merge the poetic and visceral nature

  • Intentions: Logical and Subversive The Art of Marcel Duchamp, Concept Visualization, and Immersive Experience []

    • Merritt, Richard K.    04/01/03

    Abstract This paper examines the intersection of symbolic logic, immersive experience [VR] and concept visualization in the interpretation of the oeuvre of Marcel Duchamp. Influenced by the mathematicians Henri Poincaré and Élie Jouffret as well as his own intense practice of chess and logic, Duchamp sought to merge the poetic and visceral nature

  • Precision Optics / Optical Illusions: Inconsistency, Anemic Cinema, and the Rotoreliefs

    • Yang, Shin-Yi    04/01/03

    SinceCourbet, it's been believed that painting is addressed to the retina.That was everyone's error. The retinal shudder! Before, painting had other functions: it could be religious, philosophical, moral. If I had a chance to take an antiretinal attitude, it unfortunately hasn't changed much; our whole century [the twentieth] is completely retinal,

  • Precision Optics / Optical Illusions: Inconsistency, Anemic Cinema, and the Rotoreliefs []

    • Yang, Shin-Yi    04/01/03

    SinceCourbet, it's been believed that painting is addressed to the retina.That was everyone's error. The retinal shudder! Before, painting had other functions: it could be religious, philosophical, moral. If I had a chance to take an antiretinal attitude, it unfortunately hasn't changed much; our whole century [the twentieth] is completely retinal,

  • James Joyce and Marcel Duchamp

    • Anastasi, William    04/01/03

    click images to enlarge Figure 1A Man Ray, Portrait of Marcel Duchamp, 1920 Figure 1B Marcel Duchamp, Cover of "The Blindman No. 1, " April 1917 (detail of the drawing by Alfred J. Frueh) Figure 2A Man Ray, Portrait of James Joyce, 1922 Figure 2B Drawing by James Joyce for Finnegans Wake (1939), p. 308. Is Marcel Duchamp the model for

  • James Joyce and Marcel Duchamp []

    • Anastasi, William    04/01/03

    click images to enlarge Figure 1A Man Ray, Portrait of Marcel Duchamp, 1920 Figure 1B Marcel Duchamp, Cover of "The Blindman No. 1, " April 1917 (detail of the drawing by Alfred J. Frueh) Figure 2A Man Ray, Portrait of James Joyce, 1922 Figure 2B Drawing by James Joyce for Finnegans Wake (1939), p. 308. Is Marcel Duchamp the model for